Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I find myself completely frustrated this evening. I started this morning with my two oldest kids fighting over who gets the Aeropostale beanie with the red stripe, and my youngest failing at making his bed. I should have just gotten them out the door and gone back to sleep, since I didn't have to work, but I'm far too type-A to do something like that, so I put on my sneakers like I was going to work out ... and proceeded to fall asleep in front of the PC.

It's now past eleven o'clock here, and I've barely done any exercise, barely done any work, failed to make bread to go with our chili for dinner (which did turn out well, especially with the huge sauteed onion mixed in; yum.) I think I'll putter around for a little while longer, than get some sleep and try to start my day better tomorrow.

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