Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Good thing my shoes are clean

... because all the delightful "shoegaze" music that keeps getting released is making me sway lazily along while staring at them.

Point of reference #1: Yesterday's post on DC band Ceremony. That discovery has led to a treasure trove of lovely and loud sounds, from former band Skywave to former band members' other band A Place To Bury Strangers, to label mates Alcian Blue, to unrelated Brooklyn band Dirty on Purpose, who were listed as My$pace "friends" to APTBS.

Point of reference #2: Maps getting nominated for the Mercury Music Prize for the all-too-lovely We Can Create, which helped throw a light on the new wave of bedsit electronic dream weavers.

Point of reference #3: Portland's High Violets, who may have the cutest amateur video I've seen this year for their lovely song "Love Is Blinding".

I could go on, but I had best stop, before the music-drunkenness makes me unable to press Enter.

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