Thursday, November 1, 2007

Ack, today's the day!

I completely forgot about NaBloPoMo starting, to the point where I almost forgot to post here!

NaBloPoMo, for those unaware, is the blog-posting equivalent of NaNoWriMo, and stands for National Blog Posting Month. The idea is to get those creative juices flowing by forcing oneself to make a blog post every day through the month of November.

To be honest, I don't know if I'll make it. No, not because I want to slack out, or because I lack material. The problem is that I have a huge vacation coming up around Thnaksgiving, and I don't know how much time I'll be able to use to access a PC and make a post.

Heck, I almost missed tonight, due to the following things that took away my attention:
That job thing
Cooking chicken noodle soup and snickerdoodles for our missionaries, as it was our turn to feed them
Dealing with a spouse with a killer migraine
Having to study for her seminary class, due to said headache
Babysitting another team that is upgrading our anti-virus software
Dealing with three boys, their friends, and their never-ending sugar-fueled requests for sleepovers
Trying to potty-train Suki the Evil Terrier

Ugh, I had best get on with that seminary lesson. I'm supposed to cover Exodus 5-7 in a coherent manner for a group of high-school age kids, all extremely intelligent.

Wow, NaBloPoMo is getting off to a rip-roaring start here. :P

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