Friday, October 12, 2007

Start Here

Listening to: Autokat - Late Night Shopping

I've been meaning to gather my thoughts on the things I have done to get rid of my excess weight. Now, I've never had a problem finding a forum, or support, at my other homes on the Internet. That's not really the point, though. This just seems like a nice place for it. I can always cross-post if it works out well.

Who knows? Maybe I'll even try to get it published. That's kinda putting the cart before the horse, though.

There's one book (well, the one non-scripture book) that I read without fail every year, so I stay in contact to it. That book is Scott Adams' "The Dilbert Principle." I think it helps me keep a arms-length distance from some of the BS in the workplace that management tries to shove down our throats. For me, this is especially helpful, as I tend to be very idealistic, and "The Dilbert Principle" helps me keep a safe level of cynicism.
Anyway, in the beginning of "The Dilbert Principle", Scott says that reading a book on office politics from an academic is like reading a book on cannibalism from someone that read the book "Alive", and then reassures us by informing us that he has chewed a leg or two.
Why do I bring up such a disgusting image? Is that the key, that I forced myself to think of cannibalism while eating? Heavens, no! Let's face it; there are a LOT of weight loss books out there, and so many of them come from doctors and personal trainers. How do they know what it's like to be fat? Have they studied it in labs, or have they lived it? Have they felt the paralyzing torpor that propels so many people to remain on the couch, shoveling in salty snacks? Have they pushed away from the table, knowing full well that they should have stopped eating two platefuls of food ago?
Well, in that sense, rest assured that I've chewed a leg or two in my life.

1 comment:

Blair said...

growing up...i was rail thin...i mean like rock star skinny...minus the heroin habit or the musical ability!

FINALLY...once i was like 25 i started to 'fill out'....but now it has all sort of settled in my mid section!! So sad...never thought i would have a beer diet is bad, and i do like beer...but i am in California now...i think i need to start a new year's resolution a little early and start exercising more...anyway, just thinking out loud here...thanks for the motivation/inspiration!