Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Discomfort times 12

Listening to: Underworld - Second Toughest In The Infants

I'm a happily married man; I have been for almost sixteen years now. I've not once had a thought of straying. So, why is it that going to buy condoms makes me bust out in shame-blushes, like I'm cheating? Shouldn't I happily saunter up to the counter, slap down my money, and order up my dozen?

Tonight, I got word that we were out, and that I should probably get some more. Being dutiful above all else, I went to the nearest mega-lo-mart.

Here's where my Y chromosome betrays me; I won't ask for directions. So I spend about five minutes wandering around the pharmacy section, looking for condoms fruitlessly. Finally, I get spotted. Of course it's not a male, but a cute lil' pharmacy assistant. The resulting conversation went like this:

"May I help you find something?"
(to shoes)"Yes. I'm looking for condoms."
(slightly louder, to the counter) "I'm looking for condoms."
"Sorry, I can't hear you."
"Oh ... hold on ... (to pharmacist) WHERE ARE THE CONDOMS?"
"They're over that way, behind the hair color."
(I start walking that direction)
"Wait! May I help you find them?"
(to self) "No, I can't think of anything I want less right now."
(out loud) "No thanks."

Seriously, do they train pharmacy assistants to do that for sick kicks? Thanks for making me feel like a pervert. Sheesh!

1 comment:

Blair said...

hahaha....this is universal i believe. My move would be to buy like a THOUSAND things at once so the checkout person couldn't focus on the condoms...thank the GODS for the self checkout things...they are one of technology's greatest gifts!