I know, another social network; I need one of those like I need a hole in my head.
MySpace ... lies dormant, except for the semi-monthly check for messages and band updates.
MOG ... I still use pretty frequently, still do most of my writing there.
Multiply ... My most frequent place to be on the Interwebs, because the conversations here are so engrossing. I don't know how they figured out updating comments, but it's genius.
Last.fm ... I still scrobble, and that's it.
And now, Facebook. The main reason I joined was to allow me to keep in touch with my friends from church, and to keep tabs on Morgan, who has an account there. Plus, I see using my status messages as a new level of EMCD'ing. Check the current status, muwahahaha.
In fact, the reason I have an account at all is because the doofus decided he wanted an account last May, so he set one up, using MY e-mail address. It was a bit of a shock to find out I was a member of Facebook, then to realize what happened. I couldn't even get mad at him, because it was so stupid.
Anyway, I found Blair and Amber, and Jameson already found me. So hit me up if you're there. I'm not competing with Morgan for the largest group of friends, so whatever.