Saturday, June 7, 2008

No rest for the weary

It's been a doozy of a week here, busy busy busy. Tomorrow will just be the cherry on top, I guess.

Let's see, I have:

To deliver seminary completion notices for Melissa to the other bishops,
A meeting at 10AM with the Elder's Quorum,
A 10-15 minutes sermon to give during sacrament services,
A Sunday School lesson for about 40 minutes,
and a 35-minute lesson in Elder's Quorum, because we have no instructor yet.

But, as D&C 84:33 teaches us:
"For whoso is afaithful unto the obtaining these two bpriesthoods of which I have spoken, and the cmagnifying their calling, are dsanctified by the Spirit unto the erenewing of their bodies."
So, I have to look forward to, which is nice. :)

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