Thursday, November 15, 2007

How much do you want it?

A couple of weeks ago, Morgan walks up to my wife and I and declares that he wants to join the wrestling team. That kinda came out of nowhere; he had never expressed any interest in wrestling beforehand. However, I know a bit about how he operates; he wants to be with his friends, and he's willing to join anything to do so. After all, he doesn't have to pay anything.


Today, we had a meeting with the coach, and found out that we would not only have to provide wrestling shoes, but also headgear. Not to mention, he would need to get a physical, and since his grandpa is out of town, that means more money. So when we got home, I asked him point-blank why he waned to wrestle. He just said that he just wanted to, so I then asked if he was willing to give up $50 of his own money to wrestle. He marched downstairs, screaming something about how unfair that was.

Was I out of line? Am I being too hard on him? It's not that I don't want him to participate in school activities; he's already in orchestra, was a football manager, and will be on the track team again in the spring. He was committed to those things, and was willing to help defray the costs. And let's face facts: I don't make enough money to just pay out whenever he wants to do something.

I feel like I did the right thing, but I still have this nagging bit of doubt that I might have snuffed out the one thing he's really good at. Such is the stress of parenthood.

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