Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Gigabeat RIP 02/22/2007 - 07/22/2008

I posted this as a comment on Lizzie's MOG post, but though you might all want to know. I mean, sheesh! Seventeen months! I've had friendships last monger than that!

Tuesday night, I was getting ready to work out at the local YMCA, and was changing clothes, when I reached for the Gigabeat and its case. Alas, I had failed to zip up the case, because I jerked it out of my bag, and the Gigabeat flew out of the case and crashed to the floor. I ran over to retrieve it, and saw that the shell had flown open, and the LCD had stuck out. I gently put it back together and turned it back on. The LCD failed to start, but the player worked enough that it would play my current playlist.

I took it home, put it under some lights, and tried to do as much surgery as I could, but nothing worked. It boots, all the data remains thereon, but no screen so I can't change what's playing.

I've been looking around on eBay all night, but the Gigabeat model I had is fairly old now, and not readily available. I'm even considering the leap to a same-size (gulp) iPod.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

There IS some good music out there!

It's fun to note the people make the "what the heck?" music out on MOG, but it's refreshing to note that there are a few good people making great music and posting it on MOG.

Note: I'm not counting Ben Gibbard or ?uestLove or the like, that haven't posted in ages.

Check these out!

Our boy Henry, of course: Indio.

Erik of Denver shoegaze band A Shoreline Dream: neverChanger

Marcel of LA atmospherics Black Kites: Paper Heart

Colin Sheridan and Kaitlyn Ni Donovan of Portland dreamers The High Violets: Love Is Blinding
(Yes, it's my post, they don't post much. Yes, I'm cheating :P)

Look, I'm not gonna BS you and tell you that I've listened to every song every MOGger posts, but just wanted to show that there is something good still out there. So go on, click a red button, that song might be your life, to paraphrase. :)